sweet peppers sott'olio slider 1


serves 4

01 Ingredients

2 -3 fresh red or yellow peppers

Garlic clove peeled & sliced in half

Olive oil

2tsp good white vinegar


Ground black pepper

Small chilli cut in half length ways 

02 Preparation

  1. Heat the oven to 210˚C 

  2. Cut the peppers in half, discard the core and pips, and trim off the white membrane with a knife 

  3. Place peppers cut side down on baking paper on an oven tray, and allow to cook for 25min, or till the skin is blackening

  4. Allow the peppers to cool and remove the skins, which should come off easily

  5. Slice the peppers on the length in strips 

  6. Rub some of the inner surface of a glass or ceramic container with half of the garlic clove

  7. Layer in some of the peppers 

  8. Add some olive oil, salt, ground black pepper, and build up

  9. About half way, put in the half garlic clove and one chilli half, and pour in the olive oil with 1tsp of the vinegar

  10. Add the rest of the peppers and the other half of the chilli on the top, the rest of the vinegar and season again

  11. Pour in enough olive oil to cover the top of the peppers completely

  12. Seal and refrigerate

  13. Allow to marinade like this for at least 6 hours. Eat within a week

03 Plating

Serve as part of a small plate table or delicious in a panini with rocket, cheese and parma ham