serves 6-8

01 Ingredients

The meat and equipment:

  • 1.8kg pork Boston Butt off the bone 

  • Butchers twine/natural string

  • Roasting pan & grid

  • Meat thermometer 

The paste:

  • ½ cup sage leaves 

  • ½ cup rosemary leaves 

  • ⅓ cup fennel seeds toasted in a pan 

  • 10 garlic cloves . 

  • 120g chopped pancetta 

  • 1tbs dried chilli seeds

  •  zest of 1 lemon 

  • 100g pine nuts

  • 100g raisins. 

  • 1tsp nutmeg 

  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

  • 1tbs fresh ground pepper 

  • salt

The outside rub:

  • 1tbs ground pepper . 

  • 1tbs ground toasted fennel seeds

  • 1tbs salt 

The sauce:

  • 1½  cup white wine 

  • 1flat tsp xylitol 

  • juice of half a lemon 

  • 1tbs cornstarch

  • Salt 

  • Ground black pepper

02 Preparation

The meat and paste:

  1. Put all the paste ingredients in a food processor to create a rough-ish paste

  2. Open the butt skin side up and score the fat

  3. Flip the butt over to the inner meat side, and slice halfway into the flesh every 2,5. Do not cut through

  4. Rub the paste into all the crevices

  5. Tightly roll the butt and secure it with the butchers twine

  6. Mix the rub ingredients together, and coat the outside of the butt

  7. Place the butt in a ziplock bag and refrigerate for 6-12 hours for the flavours to infuse 

  8. 2 hours before prepping, remove from the fridge and bring it back to room temperature 

  9. Heat the oven to 220˚C fan with the oven rack in the centre of the oven

  10. Fill the roasting pan with 3 cups of water and place the grid over it with the butt on top 

  11. Place the oven thermometer into the thickest part of the butt 

  12. Cook in the oven for 10 min, then turn the oven down to 150˚C, and roast the butt uncovered, till the thermometer reads around 72˚C, approx 2 ½ -3 hours

  13. Keep a check. Pork needs to be cooked through to be safe for eating

  14. Remove from the oven and rest the butt covered on a board for around 45min

  15. For the sauce: Pour the juices from the roasting pan into a jug and when coolish, remove the fat

  16. Scrape the bits left behind at the bottom of the roasting pan and put them in a clean pan

  17. Heat the pan on medium and pour the wine in 

  18. Raise the heat, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer till the wine is reduced to half 

  19. Add the pan juices from the jug, lemon juice, xylitol and salt to taste 

  20. Simmer for a few minutes to combine the flavours 

  21. To thicken the sauce, put 100ml of the gravy into a cup and slowly mix in the cornstarch, stirring so as not to form lumps. Then carefully add this mixture back into the sauce in the pan, stirring till thickened

  22. Pour the sauce through a fine sieve into a serving jug

03 Plating

Slice the butt into thinnish slices, arrange on a board or platter, and serve with the sauce, a green fennel/rocket salad and ciabatta

Cook’s Notes

The delicious flavours of this roast is the reward for the  lengthy prep of it. If there are left overs, place lots of  thin slices on fresh ciabatta with rocket & a squeeze of lemon, for a scrumptious lunchtime meal